Unsere Kollektionen DLS und SIRRIS. Wir präsentieren Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Leuchten & Strahlern, die den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen des Lichtplaners gerecht werden und für jedes Architekturprojekt die passende Lichtstimmung schaffen.

Our Collection DLS - Design Lighting Selection presents lighting tools for the multiple needs of lighting designers, offering the best atmosphere of light for every requirement of architecture. Brand mark of our luminaires is simplicity and formal precision, functionality and lasting quality. Fully developed technique in homespun and shapely design combined with perfect lighting quality.

With our Collection SIRRIS we have, in addition to one of the first 12V monorail-systems, a variety of lighting systems, wall, ceiling and suspension lamps made in a simple and timeless design. Our special LED recessed and surface-mounted spotlights enable a wide range of different possible applications. Developed and produced in Austria the SIRRIS collection meets the highest quality standards.